THE TOP 10 ASIAN YOUTUBERS MARKETERS Hollywood and traditional media are often criticized for their lack of racial representation, but online media has proven much more diverse. YouTube has enabled minorities to create, upload, and share content at a rapid pace, and the Asian community, in particular, has taken advantage of the platform. While many of the biggest Asian YouTubers are based in the United States, major influencers are beginning to emerge in Japan, Korea, India, and other Asian countries. We have put together a list of the most popular Asian YouTubers who have made significant contributions to Asian culture and identity in online media. 1. NIGAHIGA Nigahiga top Asian youtuber influencer Japanese Asian-American Ryan Higa is the influencer behind comedy channel, Nigahiga. His channel name combines the word “Niga” which is Japanese for “rant” and his last name, “Higa”. Ryan is best known for his “How to be” videos and is an icon in the YouTube community. 2. IISUPER...